Basic Needs Advisory Council

Basic Needs Advisory Council Members

Throughout the year, United Way works to make an impact on the health, education and financial stability of residents in Eau Claire and Chippewa counties who are living on the edge. Our goal is to help improve lives and build stronger Chippewa Valley communities. However, we understand that this cannot happen if residents do not first have their basic needs met. This is why we partner and invest in community organizations focused on meeting the basic needs of residents by ensuring access to food, shelter and medical care. As part of United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley’s community impact model, the Basic Needs Advisory Council is a volunteer council made up of professionals from the public and private financial sectors, human services, and secondary training institutions.


Dr. Marc Goulet (Chair)
    Mathematics Professor and Administrator
    College of the Arts & Sciences,

    University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Justin Searles (Vice Chair)
    System Quality and Training Manager
    Marshfield Clinic Health System

Kyle Darley (Board Liaison)
    Vice President of Tactical Division
    W.S. Darley & Co.

Jennifer Barrett
    Homeless Services Director
    L.E. Phillips Outreach Center

Mike Cohoon
    Associate Pastor
    Landmark Christian Church

Jeni Haddad
    Director of Domestic Violence Program 
    Family Support Center in Chippewa Falls

Suzanne Becker
    Executive Director
    Feed My People

Kristin Renneke
   Family Crisis Support Specialist
   Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District/Family Support Center


United Way Staff:

Isabella Hong, MSW
    Community Impact Director
    United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley