Recently, the Wisconsin Institute for Research on Poverty released their annual Wisconsin Poverty Report. In this report, Eau Claire County and southern

Chippewa County were identified with Milwaukee County as having the highest Poverty Rates in the state (as shown on the map to the right). There is a link to the full report below.
As a way to begin and continue conversations around this report and poverty in the Chippewa Valley, United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley is hosted The State of the Chippewa Valley on October, 24th. A variety of stakeholders from the community attended to hear from and discuss issues with a panel representing three different reports that detail local poverty and contributing factors to poverty rates.
Panelists Include:
- Wisconsin Poverty Report- Rebecca Schwei, Researcher, Institute for Research on Poverty, U.W.-Madison
- ALICE Report- Jan Porath, Executive Director, United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley
- County Health Rankings - Angela Weideman, Chippewa County Public Health Director/Officer
- Lieske Giese, Eau Claire City-County Public Health Director/Officer
Here are the Presentations that were provided at the event:
Here are some local news stories about the reports and the event:
Leader Telegram: